Monday, April 21, 2014

Gold Coast Hypnotherapy Stress Reduction

Can Stress Be Reduced With Hypnotherapy?

Everyone will experience some degree of stress in life, and for the most part, it is not usually harmful. When stress gets to very high levels is when it can be harmful to a person's health, it is just.

Our society today seems to produce lots of circumstances that produce stress, and it seems to be getting more and more prevalent. This is what could be called 'harmful stress' or the kind of stress that can overwhelm a person. Stress is a very well known and observed trigger for depression, and it can get serious.

by: Michelle van Namen: hynotherapist 

Some of the more serious stress triggers can come from the following life situations: divorce, death of a loved one, loss of job, serious illness, a child leaving home, disability, marriage, moving, starting a new job, holidays and work.

Different people can handle different levels of stress, but everybody has a limit. A person's personality, self confidence, life experiences and other factor play a role in the determination of just how well a person can handle stress.
The problem comes about when a person is operating at their individual limit of stress all the time, and then it can seem as though there is no way out.

Hypnosis is a way of compartmentalizing the stress and putting it in a place where it doesn't trigger the emotions in a harmful way. Hypnosis combined with suggestion therapy can help a person to reduce their stress levels and to feel more in control in a stressful situation.

Trained therapists have had great success in helping individuals to reduce the effect that stress plays in their lives. In most cases, it only takes a few sessions of therapy in order to put the stress in its place to the point that it does not cause a problem anymore.

Robina, Gold Coast
Contact us: (07) 5593 2857

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